Tyler boroff’s custom leader system formula

Hi Ninja
One of our NINJA Pros, Tyler Boroff, has spent many seasons refining and perfecting his own nymph leader system. Now, Tyler is generously sharing his secret formula with you!

For Finesse size NINJA indicator
Butt section : 4ft 10lb Amnesia or Mono
Main section : 7ft 8lb Fluorocarbon with 1mm Tippet ring
Tippet section : 5~7x Fluorocarbon tippet material as long as you need

For Extra small – Medium size NINJA indicator
Butt section : 3ft 12lb Amnesia or Mono
Main section : 8ft 10lb Fluorocarbon with 1-2mm Tippet ring
Tippet section : 5~7x Fluorocarbon tippet material as long as you need

For Large size NINJA indicator
Butt section : 4ft 15lb Amnesia or Mono
Main section : 8ft 12lb Fluorocarbon with 1-2mm Tippet ring
Tippet section : 5~7x Fluorocarbon tippet material as long as you need

When you’re ready to build your own leader system for nymphing, feel free to follow Tyler’s secret formula.
Good luck, and happy fishing!

You can check NINJA Indicators here!

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